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Virbac Animal Health India Pvt. Ltd., 604, 6th Floor, Western Edge-1, Magathane, Western Express Highway, Borivali (E) Mumbai-400066, Ph.: 022-40081349, 40081335, 40081344, Fax: 022-40081300, Mr. Natesan Thanthoni (MD), Dr. Jitendra Nath Saha (GM Marketing), Mr. Ajay Chawan (Asst. Manager Mktg.), Mo.: 9819479819, Email:, jitendranath.saha@virbac.in, ajay.chawan@virbac.in, Web.: www.virbac.in, Products: Offers A Comprehensive Product Portfolio In Various Market Segments Such As Poultry Feed Supplements, Feed Additives, Disinfectants, Antibiotics, Tonics. VIRBAC Produce high quality, safe, effective medicines, and feed supplements for Livestock, Poultry, Equine, Companion Animals and Aquaculture. It operates in all the therapeutic segments like Parasiticides, Disinfectants & Sanitizer, Hormones, Antibacterial, Topical, Anti-bloat, Tonics, and Vaccines.